ABOUT PRODUCT:“Anymask” Pack of 1 Refresh Mask Storage Bag + Pack of 1 Natural Gel Pack + Pack of 2 Face Mask – 1 set (Made in South Korea)
1. Refresh Mask Storage Bag with closure zip along with Natural Gel Pack inside Bag give following benefits to Mask storage in Bag:
-99.9% Anti-bacterial
-Refresh Bag Fits all Face Mask Sizes
-Has extra Pocket in front to store your Mobile & other items.
-Can be hung from Neck by using String, etc.
The Storage Case is made of EVA. It protects masks from external pollutants and dirt. The packet can be reused repeatedly until its deodorizing effect gets lower. It is highly recommended to replace the packet to a new one when its deodorizing effect gets lower.
2. Natural Gel Pack (Reusable) is made with Eco Friendly Material bonded together with Nano-technology. Note: Natural Gel Pack needs to be dried periodically for repeated usage by keeping in Sun-light to dry for 1-2 days or with Microwave Oven by heating for 1 minute (2 – 3 times with gaps in between)
3. Features of “Anymask” Face Mask are –
-Soft & Elastic
-Protects from Dust / Fog / Anti-UV
-Latex free/ 3D Design/P.U.
-Black color and Universal Size
1. Usage: Put the Mask on face with proper care to not exert un-necessary pressure or pull during wearing. If you need to pull down Mask below nose, gently pull down to not exert pressure on Ear & Loop to tear.
2. Off-Usage: If you remove mask from Face, please store in Pouch or similar bag, etc. which is free of sharp instruments like key, etc. If you need to put it in pocket, please fold & keep so that it can be taken out without pull to tear.
3. Washing: Please soak in bowl of Soapy water for few minutes followed by rinse & squeezing water few times to leave to dry. Do not wash like Cloth Mask.
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